We are happy to invite you to the YOUR NATURAL ELEMENT - Five Elements Wisdom training course supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU!Dates: 03. - 12. June 2022
Venue: Három Kincs Völgye - The Three Treasures Valley (Hungary)
Cost: 50€ participation fee. Accommodation and meals during program days are included.
Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 100% if you manage your travel within the allocated budget (275€ travel budget for participants from Germany) and upon the presentation of the tickets, invoices and proof of payment.
How to apply: Find the link to the application form
Organizer: Project Coordinator and hosting organization is Origo (Hungary). Via Kreaktion (www.viakreaktion.de) is the German sending organization who coordinates the participants from Germany.
The Training Course: The Five Elements System has a several thousand years oriental origin, and it is based on the taoist concept of being in harmony both with yourself and the world. This harmony can be translated as your own personal wellbeing, considering all concepts and methods creating and maintaining the physical, emotional and mental health of the individual. And the other essential aspect of harmony is resilience realized in the sense of how you handle and react to the impacts the world is presenting to you.
Since the Five Elements can be understood as a philosophy (and practical aspect) that permeates everything existing in this universe, it can offer you an overview of all walks of life helping you in increasing and deepening your awareness of what the current situation is, then depending on your intentions and desired destinations it offers you a very pragmatic approach and tool how to get there.
Five Elements can offer you benefits in several levels, and depending on your personal goals, you can choose either or all of them to your advantage. These can be categorized into 2 main areas: individual and interpersonal level.
First there is an individual level, where you can explore your particular perspective, understand how you work, what are your basic motivators and greatest inspirations, moreover where are your shortcomings and what are the skills and talents you can capitalize on. This can also be understood as establishing harmony with yourself.
The second step is - on one hand - how you apply everything you’ve learned and realized to the world by investigating your connection to the world, especially your relationships. On the other hand this level is also about how you manage your everyday life
given the external circumstances you cannot control.
The effectiveness of the system primarily builds on the cyclical nature of things and in this case Elements, considering the understanding of the characteristics of each Element (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water) and how they interact with each other.
By using and applying the cycles to your daily life you can learn how to nurture and support or how to regulate a situation, a person or a communication, or how you can command them by guiding the conflict or process to the right direction.
For achieving harmony on a personal level movement and Qi Gong is an essential support, helping you embody and connect the Elements (which also you are made of) and adapting your physical body and emotions through simple motions, easy to learn breathing techniques and uncomplicated visualizations. Awareness and proper management of all emotions including the negative ones is another crucial part of harmony and integrity of both individual and interpersonal level.
The Team:
Qi Gong, martial art teacher and Five Elements Coach:
Etelka Szeghalmi - https://szeghalmietelka.com/en/homepage_eng/
Five Elements Coach and business consultant:
Nóra Varga - https://hu.linkedin.com/in/n%C3%B3ra-varga-77761ab3
Trainer and facilitator - well being and resilience: Zsuzska Juhász