
The CREA(S) project has officially started!  👣

The CREA(S) project has officially started!  👣
The three participating associations have met to take the first steps of this project and share our ideas.
A project to share and learn about environmental sustainability through active and creative methodologies for young people 🌳
CREA(S) is a project co-funded by the European Erasmus+ Program in the framework of Key Action 2-Partnerships for Creativity.
- Asociación Esporánea (
- The Bettermaking Youth Foundation Hungary
- Via Kreaktion
von Via Kreaktion 12. Januar 2025
Jugendaustausch "Warming Schools" Projekt 4. - 10. Mai 2025 triff junge Aktive aus 8 Ländern entdecke und vertiefe Kompetenzen für nachhaltigeres Alltags- und Berufsleben entwickelt gemeinsam Ideen für Aktionen in eurer Stadt Teilnehmer gesucht! Du bist 18 - 25 Jahre alt bist offen für kulturellen Austausch mit jungen Erwachsenen aus verschiedenen Ländern hast Interesse an Nachhaltigkeit und willst gerne mehr lernen über nachhaltige Entwicklungsziele, Umwelt und Klimaanpassung bist bereit, dich auch nach der Reise in deiner Stadt in einer Aktion für Nachhaltigkeit einzusetzen hast Grundkenntnisse in Englisch, um dich während des Austauschs mit anderen zu verständigen lebst in Deutschland und hast einen gültigen Reisepass* Der Austausch Februar: Vorbereitungstreffen in Kleve 4. - 10. Mai Austausch in Diani (Mombasa), Kenia - 5 Teilnehmer + 1 Gruppenleiter aus Deutschland reisen gemeinsam an. Insgesamt 40 Teilnehmer aus Kenia, Somalia, Tanzania, Ruanda, Schweden, Deutschland, Italien und Slovenien. Juni/Juli: Nachbereitung und Nachhaltigkeitsaktion in deiner Stadt Gehe zum "Infopack" für mehr Information zum Austausch. Bewerbungsfrist ist 31.01.2025 Fülle das Bewerbungsformular über den Button "jetzt bewerben" aus. Bei geeigneten Bewerbern werden die Plätze auch schon vorher vergeben.
von Via Kreaktion 14. November 2023
Entrepreneurial competences are not only useful to those who actually want to start a big business but can encourage people to find creative solutions, see opportunities and learn to take calculated risks. Such competences are of great importance in many areas of life - engaging in social initiatives or for professional careers. Get inspired by experiences of young minds experimenting on their own first projects. Learn from insights of experienced entrepreneurs in your country. And get an overview of some central topics and competences an aspiring entrepreneur should know about. Youth for Innovation - This podcast is an initiative of the YISEM project , that focuses on social entrepreneurship to create a community of young people who can shape a better and inclusive world for them and future generations. The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. Partners in this project: Via Kreaktion – Germany Champions Factory – Bulgaria Scambieuropei – Italy ACHAIA Adult Education Institute – Greece Nordic Diaspora Forum – Sweden Drustvo Za Razvijanje Prostovoljnega dela Novo Mesto (DRPDNM) – Slovenia
von Via Kreaktion 9. Oktober 2023
Training for trainers: Solution Focus in Youth Work Dates: 10. - 16. November 2023 Venue: Balatonboglár, Hungary Participation fee : 30€ (incl. free accommodation and meals, travel costs can be reimbursed according to the travel distance) Read the info pack for detailed information and conditions. The training program spans 5 days, focusing on in-depth understanding of solution focus approach, and principles. What are the intentions/objectives of the training? to develop the coaching skills of youth workers and support professionals to enable participants to consciously lead their discussions or group processes in a way that supports their clients and participants on their path to change transfer and promote the basic concept of the solution-focused paradigm/approach support participants to develop their own practice in leading discussions and facilitating group processes create space for participants to work with their own issues, questions and challenges, experiencing first-hand what facilitative conversation around resources looks like to reflect together on how they can apply SF practice in their everyday work. Organizer is our Hungarian partner organization "Academy of Experience" (Elmenyakademia). Contact: Find more information and the link to the application form in the info pack *This project is financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union*
von Via Kreaktion 25. Juli 2022
YOUTH MOBILTY: Young Innovator Bootcamp - Social Entrepreneurship and Media (YISEM) 14 – 23 October 2022, Bologna, Italy (incl. travel days) Total 30 participants: 4 young people + 1 group leader from each partner country (Germany, Slovenia, Greece, Norway, Sweden, Italy) Participant profile *Young people aged 18-26 *Interested in topics of social entrepreneurship, digital communication and marketing *Motivated to build entrepreneurial competences and develop ideas for own Social Entrepreneurship initiatives *Ability to communicate in English *Committed to follow the whole training and participate in local follow-up initiatives *No previous experience in social entrepreneurship or media marketing required Program * Workshops on social entrepreneurship competences and digital media marketing * Personal development and soft skills * Work space to develop ideas and own entrepreneurial and social projects * Intercultural exchange and learning about Social Entrepreneurship and media in the different partner countries * Study visits to local Social Enterprises * Visit of the historical city center of Bologna Travel reimbursement *Travel costs up to a maximum amount will be reimbursed by the sending organization *Travel from Germany, Sweden, Norway, Greece: 275€ maximum reimbursement *Travel from Slovenia: 180€ *Travel from Italy: 23€
von Via Kreaktion 21. Juli 2022
Wanderlust Training : 12. – 22. September Ort : Három Kincs Völgye, UNGARN - The Three Treasures Valley Kosten : 50€ Teilnahmegebühr. Unterkunft und Verpflegung inklusive. Reisekostenerstattung bis 275€. Anmeldung bis 20.08. (so lange Plätze verfügbar sind) Veranstalter : ist Élményakadémia - Academy of Experience (Ungarn). Via Kreaktion ist Entsendeorganisation für deutsche Teilnehmer. Anmeldung : Lies dir das Infopack mit allen wichtigen Informationen zum Kurs durch. Zur Anmeldung, fülle das Anmeldeformular aus. WANDERLUST aims to address youth workers who want to work with resilience and well-being approaches and tools. The project includes two times 10 days residential learning activities & access to the HEARTLAND online course participation. The project was born inspired by the “ HEART” method - the synergy of outdoor experiential education and art methodologies. Training Course: The second residential training course provides learning opportunities for 27 youth workers about possible wellbeing program designs for youth and facilitation experience based on the HEART method for the group of 20 young people as an inbuilt on-the-job experience. This second residential training is meant to function as a practice based on the online learning course and the HEART tools/method. The second offline training gives first hand results on how the method can be used on young people. Participation in the 2. training is also possible for newcomers to Wanderlust. The Wanderlust course supports: recognition of wellbeing development reached at anindividual and professional level thus building a positive self- confidence of youth workers and their young targetgroups; recognition and visibility of positive influences of resiliencewithin non-formal learning and youth work context ingeneral. involvement of “disadvantaged youth workers” (early symptomsof burnout and exhaustion) the longevity and satisfactory youth work careers andpaths creation of innovative adaptations and development of local youth work through a combination of safer, more inclusive approaches to youth work that is accessible to disadvantaged - mild mental health-related young people involvement of target groups from different backgrounds and working together in an integrated group Participants of the Wanderlust Training Course will additionally get access to the HEARTLAND Salto HOP Online Course about resilience tools and curricula in order to design your own wellbeing workshops for youth. Participants go through a partly self-directed learning process, with online group facilitation events, 1-1 mentoring, webinars, and peer learning support. The online course is part of the training, and our best hope is everyone completes it before the training.
von Anna Kurth 19. Juli 2022
The last July 15th and 16th ViaKreaktion did a music workshop where newcomers and practiced musicians alike experienced the excitement of making music together. There were two different sessions. People were free to try out our different percussion instruments like djembe, cajon, darbuka or others. Or felt free to bring their own (acoustic) instruments. Via Kreakti on is a cultural and educational non-profit that offers trainings and intercultural exchange for young adults. In both workshops we shared information about the different opportunities to participate for free in projects all over Europe through the Erasmus+ program!
von Via Kreaktion 15. Juli 2022
Junge Erwachsene ab 16 Jahren Sei dabei! Lerne motivierte neue Leute kennen Übe dein Englisch im Austausch mit den Teilnehmern aus Rumänien Spannendes Teambuilding in Asbach mit Musik, Sport, Lagerfeuer u.v.m. Abschlusswoche in Sovata, Rumänien Lernt, gemeinsam im Team zu planen, und setzt eure eigenen Ideen um Entdecke neue Stärken und werde ein Youth+ Leader Melde dich an über Das Projekt: YOUTH+ Jeder hat eine Superkraft, um einen Weg selbst aus den schwierigsten Situationen zu finden! Wusstest du, dass Superhelden in kleinen Dörfern, ausgegrenzten Vierteln oder in Einrichtungen schwerer zu sehen sind? Darum braucht es einen Raum, wo sie ihre Fähigkeiten in sich selbst und in anderen entdecken können. In selbstgesteuerten Freiwilligenprojekten setzen insgesamt 80 junge Erwachsene aus Deutschland, Ungarn, Rumänien und Spanien ihre eigenen Ideen um, um Menschen in ihrer Umgebung zu unterstützen. Dabei üben sie ihre Teamfähigkeiten und lernen, an Herausforderungen und praktischen Aufgaben zu wachsen. Das Programm besteht aus 3 Phasen, in denen die Jugendgruppen sich als Team kennenlernen, ihr eigenes Freiwilligenprojekt planen und umsetzen, und abschließend die Erfolge zusammen feiern. 1. Teambuilding & Planung Jugendgruppen Deutschland u. Rumänien| 1.-11. August 2022 | Haus Niedermühlen, Asbach (Westerwald) 2. Freiwilligenaktion Jugendgruppe Deutschland | 26.-30. August 2022 | in NRW 3. Abschlusswoche Jugendgruppen Deutschland u. Rumänien | 5.-10. Oktober 2022 | Im Outward Bound Camp in Sovata, Rumänien Teilnahme für Jugendliche ab 16 J. Anmeldegebühr 50€*. Alle Kosten für Programm, Reise und Unterkunft werden vom Projekt übernommen. * Sollte die Gebühr ein Hindernis für die Teilnahme darstellen, kontaktiere uns bitte, und wir sprechen gemeinsam über alternative Möglichkeiten. Für Teilnehmer über Sozial- und Jugendeinrichtungen kann die Anmeldegebühr nach Absprache ermäßigt werden. Impressionen vom Vorläuferprojekt “From Us to You International” Das Youth+ Projekt – kurz erklärt Melde dich an über
von Via Kreaktion 5. April 2022
Der Startschuss für unser neues Projekt "YISEM" ist gesetzt! Beim ersten Partnertreffen in Stockholm gab es einen regen Austausch zum Projekt und die kommenden Aufgaben und Veranstaltungen wurden geplant. Wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit und viele interessante Aktionen! YISEM Projekt (2022-2024) Stärkt inklusive Praktiken in Training für Medienbildung und Digitalisierung. Fördert unternehmerische Kompetenzen und soziales Engagement. Werkzeuge für Trainer und Pädagogen, um junge Menschen in eigenverantwortlichen Initiativen einzubinden, und nachhaltigere und soziale Unternehmenspraktiken zu fördern, basierend of Innoation und Medien. Austausch guter Praxis zwischen Jugendorganisationen für Qualitätsaufbau in der Jugendarbeit und die Entwicklung von Bildungsmaterial. Bildungsangebot und Möglichkeiten für junge Leute, praktische Erfahrung zu sammeln. Unterstützung sozialer Projekte, basierend auf unternehmerischen Grundsätzen. 🔹 6 Partnerorganisationen (Deutschland, Italien, Schweden, Griechenland, Norwegen, Slovenien) 🔹 Young Innovator Bootcamp – Trainingskurs (Sept. 2022) 🔹 Lokale Entrepreneurship Hubs in 6 Partnerländern 🔹 Podcast mit 30 Episodeen in 6 Sprachen 🔹 6 Multiplikatoren-Veranstaltungen in den Partnerländern
von Via Kreaktion 4. April 2022
We are happy to invite you to the YOUR NATURAL ELEMENT - Five Elements Wisdom training course supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU! Dates : 03. - 12. June 2022 Venue : Három Kincs Völgye - The Three Treasures Valley (Hungary) Cost : 50€ participation fee. Accommodation and meals during program days are included. Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 100% if you manage your travel within the allocated budget (275€ travel budget for participants from Germany) and upon the presentation of the tickets, invoices and proof of payment. How to apply : Find the link to the application form here . Organizer : Project Coordinator and hosting organization is Origo (Hungary). Via Kreaktion ( is the German sending organization who coordinates the participants from Germany. The Training Course : The Five Elements System has a several thousand years oriental origin, and it is based on the taoist concept of being in harmony both with yourself and the world. This harmony can be translated as your own personal wellbeing, considering all concepts and methods creating and maintaining the physical, emotional and mental health of the individual. And the other essential aspect of harmony is resilience realized in the sense of how you handle and react to the impacts the world is presenting to you. Since the Five Elements can be understood as a philosophy (and practical aspect) that permeates everything existing in this universe, it can offer you an overview of all walks of life helping you in increasing and deepening your awareness of what the current situation is, then depending on your intentions and desired destinations it offers you a very pragmatic approach and tool how to get there. Five Elements can offer you benefits in several levels, and depending on your personal goals, you can choose either or all of them to your advantage. These can be categorized into 2 main areas: individual and interpersonal level . First there is an individual level, where you can explore your particular perspective, understand how you work, what are your basic motivators and greatest inspirations, moreover where are your shortcomings and what are the skills and talents you can capitalize on. This can also be understood as establishing harmony with yourself. The second step is - on one hand - how you apply everything you’ve learned and realized to the world by investigating your connection to the world , especially your relationships. On the other hand this level is also about how you manage your everyday life given the external circumstances you cannot control. The effectiveness of the system primarily builds on the cyclical nature of things and in this case Elements, considering the understanding of the characteristics of each Element (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water) and how they interact with each other. By using and applying the cycles to your daily life you can learn how to nurture and support or how to regulate a situation, a person or a communication, or how you can command them by guiding the conflict or process to the right direction. For achieving harmony on a personal level movement and Qi Gong is an essential support, helping you embody and connect the Elements (which also you are made of) and adapting your physical body and emotions through simple motions, easy to learn breathing techniques and uncomplicated visualizations. Awareness and proper management of all emotions including the negative ones is another crucial part of harmony and integrity of both individual and interpersonal level. The Team : Qi Gong, martial art teacher and Five Elements Coach: Etelka Szeghalmi - Five Elements Coach and business consultant: Nóra Varga - Trainer and facilitator - well being and resilience: Zsuzska Juhász
von Via Kreaktion 28. März 2022
Teilnehmer aus Deutschland gesucht! Wanderlust Training: 14. – 25. Mai . Ort : Három Kincs Völgye, UNGARN - The Three Treasures Valley Kosten : 50€ Teilnahmegebühr. Unterkunft und Verpflegung inklusive. Reisekostenerstattung bis 275€. Anmeldung bis 15.04. (so lange Plätze verfügbar sind) Veranstalter : ist Élményakadémia - Academy of Experience (Ungarn). Via Kreaktion ist Entsendeorganisation für deutsche Teilnehmer. Anmeldung : Lies dir das Infopack mit allen wichtigen Informationen zum Kurs durch. Zur Anmeldung, fülle das Anmeldeformular aus. Note that the application deadline has been extended. It is still recommended to apply as soon as possible as there are only few places left. WANDERLUST aims to address youth workers who want to work with resilience and well-being approaches and tools. The project includes two times 10 days residential learning activities & access to the HEARTLAND online course participation. The project was born inspired by the “HEART” method - the synergy of outdoor experiential education and art methodologies. Training Course : The first residential training activity is about providing self-experience and youth work practice and tool kit enrichment with the support of the HEART method and the combined easy-to-use tools. As part of it, “WANDERATHON” will be organized where we create space for youth workers for best practice exchange, to circulate knowledge & tools about resilience & well-being within the partnership. The Wanderlust course supports: recognition of wellbeing development reached at anindividual and professional level thus building a positiveself-confidence of youth workers and their young targetgroups; recognition and visibility of positive influences of resiliencewithin non-formal learning and youth work context ingeneral. involvement of “disadvantaged youth workers” (early symptomsof burnout and exhaustion) the longevity and satisfactory youth work careers andpaths creation of innovative adaptations and development of local youth work through a combination of safer, more inclusive approaches to youth work that is accessible to disadvantaged - mild mental health-related young people involvement of target groups from different backgrounds and working together in an integrated group Participants of the Wanderlust Training Course will additionally get access to the HEARTLAND Salto HOP Online Course about resilience tools and curricula in order to design your own wellbeing workshops for youth. Participants go through a partly self-directed learning process, with online group facilitation events, 1-1 mentoring, webinars, and peer learning support. A second training will be available in September for participants who want to continue their learning. (Participation in WANDERLUST II is optional.)
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